
A Letter from Gretchen

Welcome to Handmaiden Music! The very fact that I am writing these words is a fulfillment of prayer. Handmaiden has been a calling on my life for many years, and it is only through the grace of Christ and the intercessions of Mary that it has come into fruition at this time.

Sometimes Our Lord sows a seed in the heart that comes in the guise of our own “idea”, and that is the way this dream came about. It lodged itself inside of me for several years, waiting patiently.

But it wasn’t until I consecrated this work to Mary’s Immaculate Heart that things began to move.

Handmaiden’s debut project, an original musical setting of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, is a first offering that I never expected or conceived of, and is now, through that Divine Mercy, the catalyst for the launch of this vocation in a way that I could never have planned.

And yet, here we are! Proving yet again that all we are called to do is be faithful and obedient to Christ in this moment. Our Lord does the rest.

Just as everything else in this life, the only purpose of art is to lead us closer to our Creator.

In our age, the arts are devoted to the deification of indirectness. I am a songwriter, and in that field there is constant pressure to refer to God, Christ, and faith in as oblique a way as possible, so that the message is “palatable” to every listener.

But true worship is not oblique; it is not sidelong or indirect. Rather, it is the most direct, the most intimate, the most straight-forward experience in this world - and the most fulfilling.

And it is this directness, fueled by the powerful graces of the Holy Spirit, that draws all men to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Handmaiden Music, we seek to openly, purely, and directly proclaim the glory of Our Lord and the beauty of His Holy Mother.

As the Church grows increasingly fractured, our mission is to draw the heart of the listener back to the ancient truths of our faith, to inspire devotion, reverence, sincerity and love, so that all people might perfectly adore and honor Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Join us!
